MultiTRACE™ Multiplex Genotyping Plate
Taking advantage of an innovative qPCR detection method based on simultaneous detection of multiple targets in a single well, the MultiTRACE™ Genotyping Plate enables the typing of four different DNA samples in one plate. Since the amount of QTRACE® qPCR Master Mix needed for genotyping is not increased when compared to the standard QTRACE® Genotyping Plate, MultiTRACE™ improves and facilitates the genotyping process by delivering the results more rapidly and in a cost-effective manner.
The genotyping plate contains a quadruplicate set of 45 QTRACE® assays and the reference (RNaseP) assay that serves as both a positive control and a No Template Control (NTC), pre-dispensed and dried in an optical qPCR plate.
Multitrace™ multiplex plate layout
The MultiTRACE™ Genotyping Plates are packaged in air-tight, notched pouches for easy ambient storage and use. The typing protocol is a breeze. Once qPCR master mix and DNA are mixed, samples are dispensed to pre-arrayed assays in the optical plate.