Introducing QTRACE® qPCR Master Mix

Your old friend has a new name. We’re delighted to announce that our trusted qPCR Master Mix is changing its name from VeriQuest to QTRACE® qPCR Master Mix

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The formulation has not been altered… the master mix composition remains unchanged.

Our ISO13485-certified vendor has not changed. The master mix is still made with tight environmental controls in dedicated production labs by a company with decades of experience producing qPCR master mixes.

The name change on the master mix label makes the component consistent with existing QTRACE® protocols, reports and user manual, further reducing risk in the lab workflow.

The Lot Numbering System on the QTRACE® qPCR Master Mix will also be consistent with all other QTRACE® components. 

We have also recently converted our secondary packaging from plastic clamshells to a more colorful and eco-friendly, paper box.

If you have further questions about our qPCR® Master Mix labeling or packaging changes, feel free to email us using

We’re extending our product ranges and are excited to tell you more in the near future. Meanwhile, check out our brand new website…we’ll be updating it with more content soon.

Best wishes,
Doug Bost

JETA Molecular